The customer
A Tale of Stories and Flavours
Tipicalitaly is an online store founded in 2021 with the goal of collecting genuine and exclusive products in an e-commerce. The project chooses and guarantees the flavors and uniqueness of our cuisine and tells the tale behind each product and each producer.

The demand
Putting on the Table…. Our Know-how
Getting involved.
The main requirement of this project was to convey our shared experience in a store created and managed entirely by Infocube.
Ensuring a satisfying shopping experience and a top-quality culinary adventure.

The solution
From Launch... to Delivery
At the beginning of the project Infocube focused on brand awareness, refining brand identity, and the creation of online and offline material (brochures, coupons, branded boxes).
On a daily basis, it offers the consumer an ever-active customer service, a simple UX and purchasing procedure, all while working to ensure prompt and trustworthy delivery.

The project
What We Have Done
Brand identity:
logotype, printed material, social guidelines, illustrations

Facebook and Instagram Shop, Google Merchat, Social and Web Advertising

Customer care through messaging tools (Messenger), telephone and e-mail

Social media editorial strategy