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Over the years, Marketing has undergone a process of evolution and transformation, which has made it an increasingly relational, data-based, multi-channel phenomenon. The term “MarTech” is a combination of the terms “marketing” and “technology,” and it accurately describes the confluence of two concepts which are now strongly intertwined. Technology in the service of marketing, and viceversa, enables the automation and optimization of complex processes. This is our approach, based on years of experience in both fields

Giant breakthroughs in technology have progressively reflected on marketing:thinking about promotional activities without examining and evaluating data turns out to be an incomplete activity that does not guarantee efficient returns on investments.

MarTech enables greater results in less time while also automating and optimizing the most complicated business operations. Through direct and tailored communications, this approach places the customer/user at the core of all activities.

Understanding the customer is the pivotal element in every marketing activity: measures aimed at specific clusters of the target improve results and conversions, hence maximizing the investment. The data-driven marketing strategy enables us to make strategic decisions based on reliable data.

Due to our experience with large players in the retail sector, we have worked with high volume of data : cleaning, harmonizing and transforming them to generate marketing activities is the key for obtaining successful business strategies.

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